Saturday, March 15, 2008

Conference with Students

As I read this, the overwhelmed feeling kind of covered me like a blanket. The need to make my students better writers is foremost, but I'm feeling kind of lacking in being able to see the whole picture working with my day and time frame. I do like how Routman says to put the writer first. Above all, I want to remember to be positive in the beginning. There are a lot of good ideas in what to say specifically, which help to see the nuts and bolts of how it works. I really like the 'Teacher Talks", and can see myself revisiting this chapter many times to see how to do it and what to say.


Carol Richerson said...


I agree with you that this chapter will probably be one that I look at again and again as my class writes. It will remind me of the essentials needed as we work with students.

vicki'svoice said...

The teacher talks were very helpful for me too.

Mrs. Voth said...

I also think this is a chapter that will be revisited many times before I feel like I'm really good with conferencing. I agree that it is so important to celebrate the student first, share what he or she has done well, and to really think before I speak and make comments so they don't deflate the student.

Bernetta said...

I too have always felt overwhelmed with trying to fit in conferences. This chapter helped my realize the different types of conferencing and that not every conference has to be a sit down and "fix all" meeting.