Saturday, February 2, 2008

Start with Celebration

This was an amazing chapter which inspired me to encourage my students in their writing, no matter how small the success. And it was amazing. We celebrated great leads, just as Mrs. Routman suggested. Not only am I changing, but I can see my students responding in such a positive way. This week we started "special moments" valentines as Routman describes on pg.21 and pg. 201. I introduced the idea with the suggestion on pg. 25, modeling the whole lesson. The question I heard over and over was, "Do we really get to send them to the people?". They really responded to writing with meaning, including soaking in my 'moment', helping rewrite mine to sound just right, and talking about theirs out loud. And the moments were so well written!! They had great leads, tender stories, and were so full of heart!!


Jera French said...

Your activity proved that a chance for an authentic audience is important for the writer. They really wanted to send them to the reader? Are you going to let them? They'll remember the writing activity for a long time to come. : )

janicegreen said...

I enjoyed hearing how your students really related to their writing.