Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Make Every Minute Count

This chapter voiced some of my own sentiments about teaching, such as, we are 'life role models'. So many of our students are looking to us for the example of how to act, respond, etc., because they don't have the good example at home.
Connecting with our heart is so important. They need to know we care with more than words. Take time to look into the eyes of students, parents, and colleagues. There are people out there who are journeying through heartaches, situations, or insurmountable odds.
Ask frequently "Is this the best use of my time?" It is important to evaluate the paper load and if the activity was really worthwhile for the students learning.
Most important 'live life'. I became a better teacher after going through cancer, because it taught me to take time for life.

Build on Best Practice and Research

Wow, was this chapter chalked full of great thoughts! I found myself highlighting so many parts I wanted to remember. Such as:
* "Put energy and dollars into ongoing professional development, not into programs or 'one-shot deals'."
*And the entire 'Some Key Research Findings' list (all three and one-half pages)!
*"Share with students the writing you do outside of school; ask them to do the same."
*"The level of professional talk in a school impacts test scores.."
* And the "Characteristics of High Performing Schools."
*The last paragraph of the chapter which started with "Change happens one person at a time..."
So much to think about and to want to change in my own teaching.